Children need to read at a certain level by the time they have finished key stage two as between the ages of 7 and 11 kids will leave primary school. It is these few crucial years which will set them up for the rest of their schooling and working life. Many people dislike reading for reasons such as they cannot sit still and concentrate on it for long periods at a time and some are just not interested in reading a book so if they sit down to read they will give up as they are not committed to the end goal in mind of finding out the finishing plot of the story. Some people however use these excuses as a cover up for that they cannot read very well. Reading and writing go hand in hand and you cannot be a master in one without the other. To be able to read properly you need to be able to understand the words by knowing the meanings behind them and to write properly you also need to know the correct spellings of words and what they mean, otherwise you are bound to get ‘their', ‘they're' and ‘there' mixed up! Having competent spelling and grammar will continue improving with the more books you read as you will pick up on the writing techniques and adapt these to your own style. The more challenging the books are that you read the better the vocabulary you will have.
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Whilst learning all of these things as you go about your day to day life you will improve your ability to read and write. However if you miss out on learning much needed skills in your last few years of primary school it can spell real problems for moving onto comprehensive schools. Secondary school can be a hard place to learn and also not very nice if you have anything out of the ordinary so children with reading difficulties will try and keep it covered up when they move up schools. Young children are like sponges so it is much easier to teach them when they can soak in the information easier; this is why schools nowadays are starting to teach languages such as French in primary schools as well as secondary which are a great idea. No matter what age a child is or even an adult, having any of your work on display because it is done well does give you a secret sense of accomplishment and achievement so having the incentive of stickers and work being laminated can make primary school age children want to finish their work to a better standard so they can then see it up on a display board. I remember getting a head teachers commendation for writing a version of Theseus and the Minotaur in Year 5, I was very proud!